Photography & Art

Specializing in Photography, Art, Sculpture, Painting, Drawing and Design

1981 - Current

Monochrome, Black & White, Positives, Transparency, Negatives, Cibachrome, Digital, Pinhole, Photomontage…

1981 - Current

Contemporary Art, Acrylics, Oils, Portraits,
Landscapes, Traditional, Classical,
Abstract, Modern Art,

1981 - Current

Installations, Steel, Wood, Concrete, Bronze, Lead, Welding, Clay, Chicken-wire, Metal, Outdoor- Natural Mediums/materials, Ceramics…

1981 - Current

Body Art, Drawing, Pastels, Watercolors, Design, Collage, Charcoal, Murals, Silkscreen printing, Etching, Colors..

Dina Likoudis a Natural Born Artist.

Dina began her journey of ART at the age of 7 & created her first memorable ART works by using natural elements found everywhere on our beautiful and magical landscaped Earth. The first Natural Element were ROCKS. Dina used 3 Dimensional solid ROCKS of various Shapes and Sizes and Color found at Sydney’s Oceans. Dina at the age of 7 was now creating super Sculptures for her family and the public and friends to admire and explore, naming them : “SEA ROCK SYDNEY SCULPTURES”, which were semi-permanent & Interchangeable Solid Shapes of Rocks. Dina Assembled and Re-Assembled at a moment’s notice her Modern Organic Sculpture to suit the desired dramatic effect. This concept at the age of 7 years old puts Dina Likoudis in the forefront of Contemporary Sculpture, making her a unique and Talented Natural Sculptor for over 50 years. Ms. Dina Likoudis was born in the beautiful Island of Kefalonia, Lixouri, Greece & grew up in the most amazing City in the world: The “City of Sydney”. Dina successfully studied all aspects of Art in Darlinghurst with real ARTISTS as Lecturers who were then exhibiting their work in the very early 80s. She specializes in most areas of ART:


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19th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century , Commissions, Ninteenth – Century Pastel Portraits


Modern/Contemporary, Traditional, Abstract, Commissions, English landscape Painting


Traditional, Classical, Modern/Contemporary, Commissions, English landscape Painting

ART & Design

Modern/Contemporary, Classica/Traditional, 19th – 21st Century, Commissions, Ninteenth – Century Pastel Portraits

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Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

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